Feels wrong to leave
Feels wrong to stay
You’re trapped
Cause we never say
I love you
I say
I love you
You won’t answer that
You trap me
Feels wrong to leave
Feels wrong to stay
You’re trapped
Cause it feels like home
Like everything used to be
Tainted by this violent love
With its sweet taste of blood
You want to get to a point where you don’t need
Any body
To validate my
But if I don’t have a self worth
Because you never saw the glance in my mother’s eyes
Teaching it to you
How should I know?
Pain is all you felt with fault
And that is what teaches violent love
You thrive from me needing
Some body to validate my worth
And me sacrificing my pain for yours
So my suffering is your pleasure bound to earth
Bound to this container
And bound to this love
You trap me
You don’t love me
Cause you can’t love
Cause I can’t love
But I do love you
With this violent feeling of home
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